Please note that parents will not get in the water each lesson. Pricing for new students includes a free gift and a reusable swim diaper.

2024 registration is open now.

Survival Swim- Infants

Not walking 7 months and up: Private lessons - 4 days a week (Monday - Thursday) 5 weeks, 10 minutes each lesson. At the end of the program they will successfully be able to roll from a face-down position to their back to breathe and float while fully clothed (diaper, shirt, pants). Weekly maintenance lessons are recommended to maintain survival skills. Cost:$785

Survival Swim- Toddlers

Walking for at least 6 weeks and up: Private lessons - 4 days a week (Monday - Thursday) 5 weeks for 10-12 minutes each lesson(depending on skill level).
At the end of the program they will master how to respond in the event of an aquatic accident while fully clothed (diaper, shirt, pants, shoes). Group lessons are recommended to maintain survival skills. Cost: $785

Maintenance & Refresher Lessons

All ages who need one on one instruction: Private lessons - 2 days a week 12 minutes each lesson for 3 weeks.
When your child has been out of lessons for more than a month they will need to complete refresher lessons. You’ll want to keep them enrolled in lessons so they can keep their skills sharp(see group swim) Cost: $250

Group Swim -
2 Years Old & Up

Group swim is for children who pass the survival swim program with Aqua Baby Survival Swim School: 1 - 2 days per week/20-30 minutes per lesson. Group lessons are designed for your child to have fun swimming with friends while maintaining the skills they have worked so hard to learn.
Starting at $270/quarter